The Benefits of Slowing Down and Living A Simpler Life: Pt 2

When we look at the benefits of slowing down and living a simpler life, the most obvious thing that sticks out is that we need to live with less. Ironically ... Source: The Benefits of Slowing Down and Living A Simpler Life: Pt 2

The Benefits of Slowing Down and Living A Simpler Life: Pt 1

The benefits that come from living a more simple life and slowing down are numerous. It's so easy to get caught up in the rat race, but what if the key to ... Originally posted on Source: The Benefits of Slowing Down and Living A Simpler Life: Pt 1

Make a Stand Against Fast Fashion With Preworn

If the effects of fast fashion trouble you and you’d like to do more in the fight against climate change, consider making a stand against it by buying your fashion from Preworn. Preworn’s mission is to help clean up the fashion industry by making sustainable fashion available to everyone. When you buy second-hand and ignoreContinue reading "Make a Stand Against Fast Fashion With Preworn"

Getting Organised – Planners, Notebooks & Journals

Planners & journals to help you organise the day-to-day and your life

Love white crockery, so clean and simple. ✨ I must admit I like everything in one colour, with just the occasional splash of colour, how about you? 😊 ✨ via IFTTT

Surround Yourself With Beautiful.

When you let go of the things you don’t love, you’re surrounding yourself with the things you do. Wouldn’t that make your living space a beautiful, calming space to live? Extract the ordinary to make space for the extraordinary.

Project Use It Up

Like many people, I had (ahem, sort of still have) a large stash of makeup and toiletries. I’ve been a little addicted to makeup since my teens, when my mum was an Avon lady, and I followed her into the business. I decided last year to use up everything I had in stock and onlyContinue reading "Project Use It Up"

Three Bags Full …

Three bags full ... 👚👕👖👗👞👟👛👜🧣💄🏠 - clothes, bedding, towels, toiletries and Christmas decorations, and a couple of unused (and no longer required) roller blinds all bagged up and delivered to our local women’s refuge this afternoon. In most cases these women leave home with just the clothes they are wearing, and when it comes toContinue reading "Three Bags Full …"